How To Fix No Title Bar Color In Chrome 67 On Windows?
How to Fix No Title Bar Color in Chrome 67?
Google Released Chrome 67 recently said to be a stable update. However, things don’t look like it is stable. As Microsoft has released its routine update, irrelevantly looks like both the updates resulted in no title bar color in Chrome 67. Still, the reason behind this flaw is unknown. As Google is already working on the material design for the Chrome browser, it seems to be the no title color issue may be arising due to this.If you’re one of them who is facing no title bar color in Chrome 67 then this article is right for you. Here is a small working fix for no title bar color in Chrome 67.
Steps to be Followed :-
- Open the Google Chrome browser
- Click on the address bar
- Now enter chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md in the address bar
- Hit enter to let Google Chrome open flags list
- Now just scroll down and look for ‘UI Layout for the browser’s top chrome’
- You can see that it in “Default”
- Now just change it to “Refresh”
- When you change it to “Refresh” you will get a popup of Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Google Chrome – RELAUNCH NOW’
- Click on RELAUNCH NOW button and let chrome to restart
- Once Chrome restarts, the color on the title bar in Chrome 67 version should be back.
Solution for No Title Bar in Chrome 67
We haven’t tested this method personally. You can also try changing the wallpaper as well if the below method doesn’t work.
- Open the Settings in windows
- Click on the Personalization
- Select the Color tab
- Now change the default accent color to any other
- Now open Chrome and check whether the title color is showing or not.
I recommend the first method as it worked fine for me. Hope any one of the above methods will work for you to fix no title bar color in Chrome 67 on Windows. Do share this article and let me know in the comment section if you’re facing any problems.
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