Download TOR Browser For Android, Suffer Internet With out Restrictions


Orbot: Tor on Android is the mobile version, for Android devices, of Tor, a network of virtual tunnels that lets you browse the Internet safely, completely protecting your privacy.

The application menu lets you choose which apps will use Orbot’s services, so with just a single click you can have your privacy completely protected on any app you are using, like Twitter, for example.
One of the applications that works best with

 Orbot: Tor on Android is, as with its Windows counterpart, Mozilla Firefox. This means that if you use Firefox for Android, the app’s performance will be optimal, granting complete privacy protection when browsing the web.

Here is How to Use TOR Browser 

Orbot makes your encrypted traffic bounce many times through computers all over the world, instead of connecting it directly like other VPN and proxy apps do.

Orbot: Tor on Android is a very interesting application for all those users who care a lot about their privacy, and for those who don’t want to leave trails when they browse the Internet. It's the best way to surf the web without anyone knowing where you are doing it from.


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